Ashi, my own little Sonic the hedgehog =P Yes they are quite mysterious. I see a few in our garden only around this time of the year when it's getting warmer.
Stephanie, this is the first time a hedgehog hasn't curled up on me. Managed to get a good shot =D
RS, it was so cute just sleeping there. It flinched a few times when it heard the sound of my camera but then went back to sleep.
ashieBee, thank you!*hugs*
aimie, lil Z would've screaaamed if he saw it haha. Thanks =)
L&S, how on Earth did you get 10 exams?! So glad you're more than halfway through! All the best hun and thank you for the du'a.
hijabie hippie hypo, thank youuu.. I can't wait to finish them once and for all =)
Jasmina, I felt like picking him up but that probably wouldn't have been a good idea. He's really prickly! Thank you for the good luck wish.
Mona, yeah I got excited and ran back into the house to get my camera lol.
and good luck with your exams!**hugs**
Also good luck with your exams :)!
Stephanie, this is the first time a hedgehog hasn't curled up on me. Managed to get a good shot =D
RS, it was so cute just sleeping there. It flinched a few times when it heard the sound of my camera but then went back to sleep.
ashieBee, thank you!*hugs*
aimie, lil Z would've screaaamed if he saw it haha. Thanks =)
L&S, how on Earth did you get 10 exams?! So glad you're more than halfway through! All the best hun and thank you for the du'a.
hijabie hippie hypo, thank youuu.. I can't wait to finish them once and for all =)
Jasmina, I felt like picking him up but that probably wouldn't have been a good idea. He's really prickly! Thank you for the good luck wish.
Mona, yeah I got excited and ran back into the house to get my camera lol.
Break a leg with your exams! :)
BuLan, Forth Street? Former Dunedin student ey? =)
Zahra, yeah they look soo much like Kiwi birds from the back, don't you reckon! lol You will love NZ! Definitely visit us someday.