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Thriller: "Niqabis" in Paris
Thriller in Paris - extended from redragprod on Vimeo.
I was working on a major assignment when Chloe showed me this. LOL. No offence to any niqabis out there. I'm speechless but I think it's funny nevertheless.
Do you think the dancers effectively sent their message across? Please watch until the end of the video to know why it was created.Hopefully you will understand the positive message behind it =)
I guess niqabs are banned cos they're not a social norm in France and I read somewhere that niqabs make conversation with niqabis impersonal and the govt does not want to promote this.
Personally, people may disagree with me, but since where was covering your nose and mouth necessary? It states nowhere in the Quran that we've to do so. Therefore it doesn't really affect one's 'muslim-ness'.
From what I'm aware of, Arabs do this due to privacy. Their husbands do not want other men to see their beauty. A lot of niqabis do wear them due to their OWN preferences so that I respect, too.
But as far as iman is concerned, it doesn't affect it whatsoever...
Heck, aren't niqabs banned at Al-Azhar? I saw it on CNN a year or 2 back. One of the leading religious scholars say that it's not required in Islam (which is true!)... so yeah.
I get the message of the video :)
Anyway, hysteria won in the end, right?
mera: I appreciate your comment. I don't think the purpose of the video was to promote modesty though.
Haaniah: Totally! Especially the break dancing bit lol
Hana: Tbh, I understand both sides of the argument. I think the hijab is foreign enough to non-Muslims and the niqab is even harder for them to accept. It's a tough situation to be in and my heart goes out to all Muslim sisters who are trying to protect their modesty in any way, shape or form, be it hijab, niqab or just a dressing modestly..
Mona Z: I'm with you. I do think they had good intentions but it's hard to avoid misinterpretations or just different point of views.
RS: Well the argument is that the Mother of the Believers wore niqab but it's because they were given a huge responsibility of representing and spreading Islam. I don't think the niqab is mandatory upon every woman but I can understand why Muslim women would want to wear it. It's a higher level of modesty (or it should be). I'm okay with it as long as when they cover their faces they don't close their minds as well.
Nevin: I agree! It was about making people THINK =) And people are allowed to think whatever they want but they can't impose their views on others.
Naziehah: Ooh I haven't heard about the Obedient Wives Club controversy in Msia. Will definitely look into inshaAllah =)
TLS: Hysteria usually wins. It appeals to the "dark side" in humans. It's kind of ironic, don't you think? I mean these are the very same people who tell Muslims to be more open minded but they're not open minded themselves.
You have been banned for the following reason:
you have a problem with sisters practicing niqab, for which you post this filth wheren men wearing niqab are dancing there by promoting them? Sort your stupid self out or dont come back on this forum
all i did was post the link, lol