An excellent piece! This is definitely needed. Hence, I started writing my pieces on good akhlaq (manners) in Islam. I felt judged by both sides (a lot of racism and in turn my deen) and felt that until we all worked on our characteristics, we would never understand the true beauty of Islam.
My recent post
unfortunately its a struggle to keep guard of your inner self. but if our hearts are not pure, it will eventually show in our actions as well, so the inner and outer self are related. nice quote and thanks for sharing :)
mashaAllah for this. May Allah protect us from our own demons. May Allah protect us from ursula-ic tongues. May we be able to uphold our beautiful deen by guarding our moralas and hijab. Ameen. Jazakumullahkhayr for sharing this,
I love how he addressed an issue people are hesitant to talk about but it's definitely on the minds of many. The reality is these things happen so I always remind myself that only Allah swt knows what's deep in the hearts of people. Mufti Menk also said that shaytaan distracts people from being steadfast in their deen by occupying people's thoughts with the lives of others. May Allah swt protect us from this. Ameen.
Assalamualaikum sister Shahirah :-)Thank you for posting this and feeling this way...I dont wear hijab and I cant tell you how often I meet people who stress on this piece of covering over and above any internal modesty and character as if the former guarantees the latter.
My recent post
<3 x
May Allah protect us from our own demons. May Allah protect us from ursula-ic tongues. May we be able to uphold our beautiful deen by guarding our moralas and hijab. Ameen. Jazakumullahkhayr for sharing this,
Daughter, ameen to your duas!
I love how he addressed an issue people are hesitant to talk about but it's definitely on the minds of many. The reality is these things happen so I always remind myself that only Allah swt knows what's deep in the hearts of people. Mufti Menk also said that shaytaan distracts people from being steadfast in their deen by occupying people's thoughts with the lives of others. May Allah swt protect us from this. Ameen.
May Allah bless us with both internal and external modesty.