Productive Muslim in Kuala Lumpur
I'm sure you guys have come across Productive Muslim. Or at least Productive Ramadan. If you haven't... where have you been?! For almost two years I've enjoyed reading their articles and watching their YouTube videos.
That's why I was stoked when I found out the founder of Productive Muslim would be in Kuala Lumpur to give a two-day seminar on how to be a productive Muslim (totally saw that coming didn't you?). It took place yesterday and today at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.
I went with my friends and family. It really brings you closer and makes the learning process more fun. The founder of Productive Muslim would say, "There's barakah in learning together!" lol Although I did feel tired (and a tad cranky) throughout the two days because the air conditioning system broke down! It's hard for me to focus in a room filled with 500 people without air conditioning -_- This is Malaysia we're talking about!
Yup, that's him. Abu Productive. Mohammed Faris.
He currently works as a Risk Management Specialist at an Islamic Development Bank in Saudi Arabia.
He founded Productive Muslim when he was studying in UK, mashaAllah.
Alhamdulillah, I learned a lot. I will definitely write about it but I kind of don't know where to start.
We covered so many things in two days. InshaAllah, He'll give me inspiration.
One of the things I enjoyed learning about is the 18 sources of Barakah.
To get an idea of what he's like as a speaker, watch this.
Or you can read Maria's post about the seminar and other awesome things that happened during her week.

He founded Productive Muslim when he was studying in UK, mashaAllah.
Alhamdulillah, I learned a lot. I will definitely write about it but I kind of don't know where to start.
We covered so many things in two days. InshaAllah, He'll give me inspiration.
One of the things I enjoyed learning about is the 18 sources of Barakah.
To get an idea of what he's like as a speaker, watch this.
Or you can read Maria's post about the seminar and other awesome things that happened during her week.

And best of all, the 18 sources visualized! We'll share it with the team, insha Allah,
BarakaAllah feekum,
ProductiveMuslim team.
I hope there is a talk in the UK sometime soon.
may allah bless u sis
Please may I share the 18 sources of barakah pic.
JZK for sharing