La Isla Bonita: Lang Tengah {Part II}

Lang Tengah is the place to be if you love white sandy beaches and want to escape the craziness of your daily life. And if you long for privacy, luxury and comfort Sari Pacifica Lang Tengah is the resort for you. It's über private and perfect for relaxation. When I was there I could think so much more clearly about my life because I felt like the rest of the world faded away and all that was left was this beautiful, exotic island. I couldn't  help but be amazed by God's creation. 

Immersed in comfort and beauty: That's how you will feel when you stay at this resort. Imagine waking up and having all your meals with this view everyday.

Home away from home: One of the chalets we stayed in for 3 nights 4 days. The chalets look like traditional Malay village houses from the outside but inside it's all about East meets West.

Dine and unwind: They serve buffet-style meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner but we also had the option of ordering à la carte. Can I just say the mangoes were some of the best I've ever had in my life? Very sweet and refreshing!

Nature's palette: I love how the décor of this place was inspired by the natural surroundings of the island.

Shukur alhamdulillah (thanks and praises be to God) for such an amazing experience. The tourists who come here love to have a good time so they were friendly. The staff were really cool as they were very accommodating and helpful. We were also told that the majority of tourists who stay at Sari Pacifica Lang Tengah are Europeans so the staff were excited to see some Malay faces for a change. We couldn't have asked for a better holiday experience. Lang Tengah is also perfect for people who love to go swimming and snorkelling because the sea water is extremely clean and there are lots of fishes everywhere. I never knew fishes could be so fascinating because I felt like I could spend all day just snorkelling and looking at them!

Now, I know you must be dying to see more pictures of the beach right? Stay tuned for Part 3. Coming very soon ;) 


Q said…
Sha, yang bawah gambar glass of water tu apa? Looks sooo yummy. Feels like going there this instant just to eat that!
Is this Malaysia sis? If so its sooooo on my list when I visit next its beautiful!! Ive been to Langkawi but cant remember it being anywhere as nice as this?
Shahirah Elaiza said…
@Q, pizza.

@sorayyadesign, yes!! Malaysia! =))
Magz and Mez said…
Wow! MashAllah just simply breathtaking!
MissM said…
Gorgeous. Love the chandelier and the yellow floral print.I'm bumping Malaysia up on my top ten places to visit
Belief In The Aakhirah latest bloglet if you get a chance hace a read its free
Noor Of My Life said…
Looks like a beautiful,peaceful and relaxing retreat just what you want from a holiday. Your brother certainly has good taste.Look forward to more pics !
Anonymous said…
i just wondered whether all the food served there is halal cos some hotels are not too concerned about the halal status in malaysia especially the 5 stars.

Shahirah Elaiza said…
@Anon, the resort is owned by a Muslim and I'm pretty sure 90% of the staff are Muslim, including the chef =)
Anonymous said…
dear shahirah,

thanks for the info on the food.asked the management about it but they did not i can book my hols.thanks again

Anonymous said…
assalam kak sha :)
really love your blog, so inspiring and refreshing. Always gives me a postive vibe :D thank you

Shahirah Elaiza said…
@ayu, alhamdulillah, thank you!
ain_yahya said…
Salam, just curious about the budget..planning to go there too :-)