Style Sunday: Ethnik Batik

Pullman Hotel, Putrajaya

I realise I haven't done a Style Sunday post in ages!
Anyway, I've been resisting the 'turban' style because I can be a non-conformist like that ;) 
I tried it for fun but I'm not sure if I'd wear it on a daily basis because I prefer being simple when it comes to the hijab. 
Nevertheless, I think the 'turban' or African head wrap style totally complements ethnic prints such as batik.

Hope you guys had an awesome weekend.


Like the hotel.
Nai @ TPJ said…
Salam. There u go.. Stylish to the core. Love it, dear. I just can't bring myself to wear turban just yet.. ;)
Isabella Yunita said…
Subhanallah.. so beautiful n inspiring, kak Sha.. I think I'll give it a try sumtimes,:)

salaam, Icha^^
♥Soso♥ said…
Oh wow .. you look like youve stepped out of a hijab magazine! very pretty mashallah x
Hannah said…
You look beautiful, masha'Allah!
Noor Of My Life said…
You look fabulous and that hijab style really suits you, not everyone can pull that off!
Feda said…
Dam girl this is a gorgeous outfit! Is that Batik native to Malaysia? Love the turban look on you, that color is so fresh! I know what you mean about not wanting to conform ;) It seems hijaby fashion land has started to look very similar? Love the background too!
masha-allah.. loving the look soo much!!
simply beautifull :)
Shahirah Elaiza said…
Thank you for the kind comments everyone =)) I think the style is definitely worth a try but is perhaps not suitable for a very hot day! Not sure if the batik is native to Malaysia but batik print sure is beautiful. I'm proud of my Asian heritage!
Laila said…
I love how you wear the turban hijab style, it's so awesome :D
Aisha said…
Suits you, Miss ;)
Shahirah Elaiza said…
@Laila, @Ashi, thank you girlies! <3
Rosie said…
You look very shiek and modern, you should wear it like that more often :)
Shahirah Elaiza said…
@Rosie, thank you! =)
Zara A said…
This outfit is beautiful sister Sha! Masha'Allah <3 I've just finished exams so I've managed to catch up with your blog! It looks like you had a lovely holiday to Lang Tengah and you captured some stunning photos! :)
Anonymous said…
Hi. For the batik, did you just tie up a kain batik, or it's a ready made batik skirt. If its a ready made skirt, mind sharing where you got it? It's super nice! I find it such a hassle to tie &wrap around pareo & sarong D


- KC
Shahirah Elaiza said…
@Zara A, yay! you finished your finals - hope you did great in them inshaa Allah xox

@KC, it's not a ready-made batik skirt. It's like a pareo. But I think you can easily get it tailor-made or use one of your baju kurung / kebaya kain as a skirt as well =)