Sweet Like Candy: Ratu Adinda's Aqiqah Ceremony
Phewh! What a weekend it has been with wedding receptions and various invitations. After being out all day today I finally found time to update my blog. On Sunday, one of my closest friends, Ella, invited me to her niece's aqiqah and cukur jambul ceremony. If you've been reading my blog for a while you would have probably read my post about Nikky's wedding. Yup, she's a proud mama to 2 kids now! This aqiqah ceremony was held for her newborn daughter, Ratu Adinda.
Sweet like candy: The theme was inspired by cotton candy. By the way, isn't she such a gorgeous mama?

The edibles: That's Ella being her usual self. She has a funny way of doing stuff. That's why we love her!
Beyond Biyan: Muna looking like the princess that she is in this simple yet glamorous Biyan ensemble.
We found Cookie Monster: and he sings! When I'm with these girls there's no telling what I'll get up to. Don't ask what we were doing in the kids playroom....
Cotton candy colours: I love that the three of us were colour co-ordinated that day. Also love that this vintage clutch complemented my jalabiya like it was meant to be.
After the aqiqah ceremony there was a wedding to attend. It really is wedding season in Malaysia at the moment with 2 - 3 weddings every weekend and what a great weekend it was! Alhamdulillah. And now I'm off to sleep after a long day out. It's almost midnight and I've gotta get up super duper early tomorrow. Hope you guys kicked those Monday blues on the butt today ;)
best regards from Indonesia
i m a new reader and it's a great pleasure to discovert you along your personality.greting from france
Love it a lot and mashallah to all of you!
I love your Blog and its a blessing to have such blogs around.