Colours of My Life Meets Little Life of Mine
In my three years of blogging I feel pretty blessed to say I've made many friends from all around the world and Amnah of Little Life of Mine is one of them. Who knew I'd actually have the pleasure of meeting this lovely Palestinian-American mama of three from California in person someday? Amnah and her family came to visit her sister Iman (also a blogger) who moved to Kuala Lumpur last year. God has a way of bringing people together, doesn't He?
Iman planned a trip to FRIM (Forest Research Insitute of Malaysia) and gave Amnah a little surprise - ME! I was more than happy to meet them there because it would be a much more memorable experience than having a meal at some mall.
(clockwise) Amnah and I on the canopy walk; Iman flashing us a peace sign at the waterfall; blue fern (I thought it had been spray-painted on at first!)

Living in New Zealand for seven years has taught me to appreciate nature a lot more. Skyscrapers are cool but nothing beats God's work of art, right?
Before Amnah left for America we had dinner at one of my favourite restaurants, Naab. It was a relaxed girls' night out in comparison to our exhausting but exhilarating nature walk at FRIM. We talked about all sorts of things from Amnah's new writing gig for Disney (yes! how exciting!) and the juicy details on Yousef of FouseyTube (they live in the same neighbourhood).

And these were the last few snaps I took with Amnah. InshaAllah the next ones will be in California ;)
As always, it's such a pleasure to meet blogger friends especially when they're not from around here. This world is indeed a small place. Do check out Amnah's blog post on her trip to Kuala Lumpur. If you haven't seen her blog yet be prepared to fall in love with her creativity!
So cool that you got to meet eachother.
XO Arezy
I love your lace top.
@Arezu, yes alhamdulillah!
@Rayhaanah, it was lovely meeting you too sis ;)
@Salma, true :)
@Amnah, the pleasure was all mine! Wait what? You mean you're now a fan of the drink right? lol. Yes, the before and after pics are funny :P
@Autumn, thank you :)